Thursday, January 22, 2009


The mentality that justifies ending the lives of infants in the womb has not stopped there. Today, those who are elderly, sick, or disabled are being viewed as burdens and at risk of becoming candidates for euthanasia.

The "right-to-die" movement employs phrases such as "self determination" and "death-with-dignity" and presents itself as a humanitarian crusade to reduce human suffering. It is, however, a philosophy radically at odds with Scriptural truth. The Bible clearly teaches that life is a precious gift from God and that the number of our days are in His hands (Psalm 139:16; Job 14:5). As with other humanist movements, when the standards of God are rejected in favor of the opinions of men, the results are not more humane but more barbaric.

Allowing a person to die when a disease process is irreversible and death is obviously imminent in hours or days is not euthanasia. Patients or, when they are not able to speak for themselves, their families, have the freedom to refuse medical treatments which will not cure, improve or control their disease process, which will impose a burden beyond any benefits.

Christians must reject euthanasia which is deliberate action taken for the purpose of causing or hastening death. This may include direct action (e.g. administering a lethal injection) or withholding of basic medical care or standard medical treatment (e.g. denying lifesaving medical care to a disabled child that would be provided a normal child).

We remember the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ, He is our true source of comfort in illness and suffering. His strength is confirmed in our weakness, and His promise is never to leave or forsake us. As we entrust ourselves to His care, we can let go of our fear of loss of control.

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