Monday, January 26, 2009


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Choices and Consequences

Take the time to think

If you make a quick decision about your pregnancy, you could regret it for the rest of your life. Pregnancy affects "all of you"-not just your body. That's why abortion can affect you emotionally and spiritually as well as physically. Don't let anyone rush you into a decision about something that important.

Why not abortion?
First, because abortion takes the life of a baby created by God and for whom he has a plan. Second, because abortion hurts you.

Physical Effects
Abortion can result in a damaged cervix or scarred uterus, leading to the miscarriage of a future child who is "planned." Abortion can result in hemorrhaging and infection and the need for a hysterectomy, resulting in the inability to ever have children.

Emotional Effects
Most of the girls and women ho carry their babies to term, despite the difficulties involved, feel good about allowing their children to life. But the majority of those who choose abortion admit to later regretting their decision. Nightmares, guilt, depression, and problems in relationships are some of the complications reported by abortive women. Abortion also has been linked to suicide, chemical dependency, anorexia, child abuse and divorce.

Spiritual Effects
Abortive women often become uncertain about their salvation, feeling that God can no longer love them. Many believe they are unworthy of forgiveness and feel separated from their Savior. In abortion there are two victims-the unborn child and the mother of that child who thinks abortion will solve her problem.

You do have choices! Many people want to help you and your baby. caring pregnancy centers can assist you with finances medical care, housing, legal aid, educational alternatives, or whatever is making your pregnancy a problem. To find such help in your area go to or e mail

Thursday, January 22, 2009


The mentality that justifies ending the lives of infants in the womb has not stopped there. Today, those who are elderly, sick, or disabled are being viewed as burdens and at risk of becoming candidates for euthanasia.

The "right-to-die" movement employs phrases such as "self determination" and "death-with-dignity" and presents itself as a humanitarian crusade to reduce human suffering. It is, however, a philosophy radically at odds with Scriptural truth. The Bible clearly teaches that life is a precious gift from God and that the number of our days are in His hands (Psalm 139:16; Job 14:5). As with other humanist movements, when the standards of God are rejected in favor of the opinions of men, the results are not more humane but more barbaric.

Allowing a person to die when a disease process is irreversible and death is obviously imminent in hours or days is not euthanasia. Patients or, when they are not able to speak for themselves, their families, have the freedom to refuse medical treatments which will not cure, improve or control their disease process, which will impose a burden beyond any benefits.

Christians must reject euthanasia which is deliberate action taken for the purpose of causing or hastening death. This may include direct action (e.g. administering a lethal injection) or withholding of basic medical care or standard medical treatment (e.g. denying lifesaving medical care to a disabled child that would be provided a normal child).

We remember the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ, He is our true source of comfort in illness and suffering. His strength is confirmed in our weakness, and His promise is never to leave or forsake us. As we entrust ourselves to His care, we can let go of our fear of loss of control.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

For those who have had an abortion, there is a word of hope!

We all have grieved the loss of someone at some point in our lives. Nothing could be more painful than the death of a child. but those who have lost a child because they had an abortion, or were part of an abortion decision, often do not allow themselves to grieve or don't know how to grieve.

If you are experiencing adverse emotional reactions following an abortion, you may have post-abortion syndrome (PAS) described as the inability to: (1) process the fear, anger, sadness and guilt surrounding your abortion experience, (2) grieve the loss of your baby, and (3) come to peace with God, yourself and others involved in the abortion decision.

How does PAS develop? A woman faced with a crisis pregnancy experiences a tremendous amount of fear and anxiety about her situation, and she seeks a fast solution to her dilemma. Since abortion is legally and socially sanctioned, it is the choice she is likely to make, even though she may be violating her own moral code.

Immediately after the procedure, she will usually feel great relief that the crisis is over. But any moral struggle she felt prior to the abortion will resurface eventually.

How does one grieve the death of an unborn child when the decision to abort seemed to be so right at the time? After all it is legal, it must be right. Why would someone be unable to stop thinking about the abortion? Why the feeling of emptiness? Who can free me from this hurt and pain? Give your pain to God. It's okay to tell God how hurt you are. Be assured there is healing in forgivness.

Being forgiven by God does not mean he wipes out our emotions and memories. It does mean we now have a way to resolve our problems--God's way. If you draw on God's power for your life, your anger and bitterness will eventually be replaced with love and peace.

There is a special ministry that can help you overcome the pain. Word of Hope will put you in touch with a Christian caregiver who will help you find healing and reconciliation with the Lord.

To take that first step toward recovery, call Word of Hope to arrange for a confidential referral. Toll free: 1-888-217-8679.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Make a Difference For Life!

Make a difference by becoming a part of Lutherans For Life! At the heart of Lutherans For Life is Good News! In our society, there is a great need for this For Life message.

Abortion destroys nearly 3,250 children every day.

Imposed death through assisted suicide and euthanasia threatens to destroy our elderly and disabled with or without their permission.

Bio-technologies-such as embryonic stem cell research, cloning, in vitro fertilization, and genetic manipulation-can challenge God's authorship and Lordship of life.

Lutherans need to Take a stand with God's Word of Law and call wrong things wrong. Share the Good News of life in Jesus so people will know they have someone they can trust in every situation. Share the Good News of life so people will know they have someone to turn to for hope and healing when mistakes are made.

Lutherans For Life applies God's Word, both His Law and His Gospel, to all the life issues-abortion, chastity, assisted suicide and euthanasia, and biotechnology. We assist For-Life Christians in offering the hope and help of the Good News of Jesus Christ to women with an untimely pregnancy; women, men & families suffering under the guilt of an abortion; young people with questions and concerns about sexuality; and the elderly and those with disabilities or terminal illnesses. We believe God gives the gift of life to all people-from the moment of conception until natural death. We need your support to continue to encourage, educate and uplift with a Gospel-centered, Word-based message of hope, forgiveness, and new life!

Please go to to find out how you can get involved!